We promote a range of professional live performances, including music, and film screenings suitable for audiences of all ages, including children, families, and adults. Our venues vary in size, from small village halls to larger town halls or small-scale arts centres, with some performances taking place in non-traditional spaces such as school halls and church halls.

Most of our partner venues have limited technical equipment unless they are small volunteer-led arts centres. Therefore, productions that are self-contained and require little or no technical equipment are better suited for our venues.

If you are a professional artist or company interested in touring the North East of Scotland, we would be happy to hear from you.

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Production Submissions Update

Submissions for January to August 2025

Our online submission portal is now closed for productions touring between January and August 2025.

This year, we received an exceptionally high number of submissions, and we will be selecting around 30 productions from a diverse range of genres.

Submissions for September to August 2025

Our next submission call will be for productions touring between September and December 2025.

Please note that our online submission form is currently paused until the end of October 2024 as we await more clarity on our funding for 2024/25.

Once the submission form is reopened, there will be ample time to submit entries, with an estimated deadline in early January 2025.

We have made this decision in an effort to minimise unpaid work for artists. If we have to make significant adjustments to our programming strategy to align with any major budget changes in 2024/25, it could be an unproductive use of artist time at this point.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

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