We are aware that you may have concerns over disclosing information about yourself to us.

This page explains, amongst other things, what information we collect about you on this website, and through other systems we have in place and the reasons for this.

North East Arts Touring (NEAT) takes its responsibility towards data protection very seriously and will always adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

NEAT is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Our mission is to develop and support a thriving network of voluntary promoters, enabling them to promote high quality professional theatre and dance performances and community cinema screenings in rural venues.

Our ethos is completely audience-focused and our promoters fully understand the make-up of their communities. A recent survey confirms our satisfied customer base and our audiences recognise NEAT as excellent value for money.

In 1985, NEAT identified a service gap and became an organisation focused on providing affordable small-scale theatre and dance performances for local audiences in rural communities across the North East.

In 2010, NEAT became a Registered Charity and Company Limited by Guarantee.

Our community cinema scheme was launched in 2013 and our five sets of mobile cinema equipment enables rural communities to screen films via our trained volunteer promoters.

In 2015, NEAT launched a Young Promoter Scheme in partnership with Aberdeen International Youth Festival with financial support from Youth Arts Collective North East. The scheme empowers young people to become active event promoters in their community whilst also learning transferable skills in event and arts management.

NEAT is also committed to ensuring that young audiences have access to high quality theatre experiences and work closely with schools and our volunteer promoters to programme suitable work for young audiences.

NEAT is governed by a team of committed non-executive directors and the day-to-day running of the organisation is professionally executed by a small team of dedicated staff.

This policy was last updated on May 25 2018 and will be reviewed in June 2019

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