We are delighted to announce that we have appointed Lynn Shaw as our Young Promoters Coordinator at NEAT/AIYF to develop and deliver our exciting collaborative Young Promoters Scheme, which will engage young people between the ages of 14-25 years interested in programming and promoting events across the North East of Scotland.
This is a collaborative project between Aberdeen International Youth Festival and North East Arts Touring under the umbrella of the Youth Arts Collective North East. This project brings together NEAT’s geographic reach and expertise in rural touring along with AIYF’s expertise in youth arts and will support young people who are interested in programming and promoting work across many artforms.
The project will engage young people as influencers in programming and contribute to the pathways to learning by providing opportunities for young people to develop marketing, communication, promoting and event management skills.
Individuals that are passionate and have a desire to develop their skills will be offered a unique mentorship scheme, delivered by local arts professionals.
The project includes a Go & See fund to enable the participants to attend events to extend their experience and understanding of how to run events, and widen knowledge of the range of work available.
The project will take place across the North East and will programme and promote events which can be a mix of workshops, professional performances and local youth performances.
If you are interested in being a part of this project or you work with young people who may be interested in this scheme please contact Lynn via our online form.