Hands Up For Trad launch Say a Gaelic Phrase Day for Languages Week Scotland
Hands Up For Trad are set to launch the organisation’s first new initiative for 2021 with a campaign to encourage more people to discover each other and speak Gaelic.
Say A Gaelic Phrase Day 2021 is being held on Friday 5th February to connect with other Gaelic speakers or those who want to have their first go at speaking Gaelic, through sharing video messages online.
Examples of phrases are listed in Gaelic and English on the website, or fans can make up their own one. Organisers have created soundbites to listen to recorded by BBC Scotland Presenter Joy Dunlop, plus phonetics to help with pronunciation so anyone can learn how to say a Gaelic phrase.
Scottish media personalities including STV’s John MacKay, Poet & Writer Len Pennie (Miss PunnyPennie), Gabby & Kenny Logan, Gordon Strachan, Alex MacLeish, and Fiona Stalker, Laura Maciver, Aileen Clarke, Alistair Heather, John Beattie and Judith Ralston from BBC Scotland are on board, and everyone can take part by making a video on a phone, tablet or computer and posting on their social media using the hashtag #làbairtnagàidhlig or #sayagaelicphraseday.
Phrases can be combined as well using ‘agus’ (Gaelic for ‘and’), and for more notes visit the dictionary at Learn Gaelic. To learn more about speaking Gaelic visit www.learngaelic.scot or www.DuoLingo.com
Event founder Simon Thoumire of organisers Hands Up For Trad said: “So many people speak Gaelic, fluently or even without realising it when they refer to places or activities in Scotland, from arts to everyday life it’s a vital part of our heritage, and a growing part of our future.”
Get involved via www.sayagaelicphraseday.com and use hashtags
Languages Week Scotland 2021 will take place during the week 1 – 5 February. The theme is ‘Celebrating Scotland’s languages landscape’ and the aim is to amplify the voices of people, organisations and events that celebrate multilingualism and the many ways it manifests in Scottish communities.
Now in its third year, Languages Week Scotland is a week of activity across the country. Events will take place across Scotland for families, adults and schools.
Follow the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages or the dedicated Twitter account @LangsWeekScot to find out what is happening in your local area.
Languages Week Scotland 2021 want as many children, families and communities as possible to engage with the week. It is inviting community-based groups, arts and sports organisations, social enterprises, businesses and educational establishments – large and small – to share the work they do in and with languages other than English.
To get involved in Languages Week Scotland 2021, use the hashtag #scotlandloveslanguages on Twitter.
Please share the languages used or learned at home, in your school or in your wider context. If you are planning an event or creating any resources, please share them with us, using the hashtag. When you contribute to raising the profile of languages and Languages Week Scotland, we amplify your voice too.
Keep up on the latest news on Twitter @handsupfortrad Instagram @handsupfortrad, or Facebook handsupfortrad.
Cuiridh Hands Up For Trad an iomairt ùr Là Abairt na Gàidhlig air bhog airson Seachdain Cànainean na h-Alba
Tha Hands Up For Trad an impis a’ chiad phòiseact aca ann an 2021 a chur air bhog le iomairt gus daoine a bhrosnachdh ri Gàidhlig a chleachdadh agus a bhruidhinn ri chèile.
Thèid Là Abairt na Gàidhlig no Say A Gaelic Phrase Day 2021 a chomharrachadh Dihaoine 5mh den Ghearan gus luchd na Gàidhlig a tharraing ri chèile agus luchd-ionnsachaidh a bhrosnachadh gus Gàidhlig a chleachdadh, le bhith a’ sgaoileadh bhideòan Gàidhlig air-loidhne.
Chaidh eisimpleirean a chruthachadh air an làrach www.sayagaelicphraseday.com ach dh’fhaodadh daoine na h-abairtean aca fhèin a chleachdadh cuideachd. Chlàraich an craoladair Joy Dunlop na h-abairtean gus cuideachadh a thoirt do dhaoine aig nach eil an cànan ach am faodadh iad pàirt a ghabhail san latha.
A-measg na tha a’ gabhail pàit ann, tha John MacKay, Len Pennie (Miss PunnyPennie), Gabby Logan, Kenny Logan, Gordon Strachan, Alex MacLeish, Fiona Stalker, Laura Maciver, Aileen Clarke, Alistair Heather, John Beattie agus Judith Ralston aig BBC Scotland agus ‘s urrainn do dhuine sam bith pàirt a ghabhail san iomairt le bhith a’ clàradh bhideò agus ga sgaoileadh sna meadhanan sòisealta leis an taga hais #làbairtnagàidhlig or #sayagaelicphraseday.
Thuirt Simon Thoumire, Hands Up For Trad: “Tha an uiread ann an Alba a chleachdas Gàidhlig gu làitheil gu fileanta, no gun fhios dhaibh, nuair a bhruidhneas iad air ainmean-àite no tachartasan. ‘S I pàirt chudromach de dhualchas a h-Alba agus ‘s ann nas cudromaiche buileach a dh’fhàsas I san àm ri teachd.”
Tadhlaibh air www.sayagaelicphraseday.com agus cleachdaibh na tagan hais
Tachraidh Seachdain Cànainean na h-Alba 2021 tron t-seachdain 1 – 5 den Ghearan. ‘S e cuspair na seachdaine ‘A’ comharrachadh cruth cànainean na h-Alba’ ‘s I a’ feuchainn ri guthan dhaoine, bhuidhean agus thachartasan a neartachadh a bhrosnaicheas ioma-chànanas agus mar a nochdas e ann an coimhearsnachdan Albannach.
A-nis san treas bhliadhna, ‘s e tachartas fad seachdaine air feadh na dùthcha a th’ ann an Seachdain Cànainean na h-Alba. Thèid tachartasan a chumail air feadh na h-Alba airson theaghlaichean, inbheach agus sgoiltean.
Leanaibh an taga hais #scotlandloveslanguages no an cunntas oifigeil Twitter @LangsWeekScot gus ionnsachadh na tha dol san sgìre agaibh.
Tha Seachdain Cànainean na h-Alba 2021 ag iarraidh air cloinn, teaghlaichean agus coimhearsnachdan pàirt a ghabhail san iomairt. Tha I a’ toirt fiathadh do bhuidhnean coimhearsnachd, ealain agus spòirs, iomairtean sòisealta agus ionadan-foghlaim – mòr agus beag – an obair aca a nì iad ann an cànain seach a’ Bheurla a roinn.
Gus pàirt a ghabhail ann an Seachdain Cànainean na h-Alba 2021, cleachdaibh an taga hais #scotlandloveslanguages air Twitter.
Chithear am fiosrachadh as ùire air Twitter @handsupfortrad Instagram @handsupfortrad, no Facebook handsupfortrad.