River of Fish is a new venture by Heckleburn Quines for 2015. It was launched at the beginning of February and is an artist-led, community-driven project designed to celebrate the life-cycle of the salmon.
Workshops will be delivered by the Heckleburn Quines during the first third of 2015 to make the two smaller stages of fish – the Parr and the Smolt. Ten larger salmon, known as Bars of Silver, will be sponsored individually and decorated by local artists.
The project is designed to engage participants across the community, combining creativity with education, working with our partners Woodend Barn and The River Dee Trust.
In addition, there a woven willow Whopper, which is five feet in length and will provide the base for public workshops where individual ceramic scales can be decorated. Each scale costs £5 which will generate a charitable donation divided between the Banchory Sports Village and the River Dee Trust.
The first opportunity to see the River of Fish will be at Banchory Lodge Hotel during the Banchory River Festival (12-14 June), thereafter at the Woodend Barn in July, further destinations to be announced.
For more information please click on the image below